The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) will conduct of practical examination/Project Assessment/Internal Assessment for Classes X and XII, for Winter Bound Schools for session 2023-24 from November 14 to December 14, 2023.

CBSE Board Exams 2023-24: The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) will conduct of practical examination/Project Assessment/Internal Assessment for Classes X and XII, for Winter Bound Schools for session 2023-24 from November 14 to December 14, 2023. The dates and instructions are only for winter-bound schools and are not applicable for regular session schools for which the circular will be issued separately. One can access and download the CBSE guidelines pdf document by visiting the official website of the Board at
CBSE Board Datesheet 2023-24: Dates for Uploading of Marks
The marks in respect of all practical examinations/project/ Internal Assessments should be uploaded simultaneously from the date of the start of the practical examinations. The uploading of marks shall be completed by last date of practical examinations. No extension of the dates shall be considered by the Board.
CBSE Board Datesheet 2023-24: Conduct of examination/Assessment in sessions
To ensure fair and just assessment, Practical examinations/Project/Internal Assessments should invariably be conducted in two or three sessions in a day depending on the tab infrastructure facility available in the schools if the number of students is mote than 30. In the case of Fine Arts, examination/assessment shall invariably be conducted in two sessions in respect of each student.
Unfair means
Students found guilty of communicating or attempting to communicate with examiners with the objective of influencing them in any way whatsoever will be deemed to have used /attempted unfair means. Examiners are required to report at once the office of the board about such cases along with the complete facts/documents/witnesses. To know more, check the detailed notification stated above.