Dussehra 2023 Lucky Things to Do: Why Spotting The Neelkanth Bird is Considered Auspicious on Vijayadashmi?
Dusshera is a celebration of good over evil and it is believed that spotting the Neelkanth bird or the Indian Roller is auspicious. Read on to the understand the connection of the blue bird and the festival.

Dussehra 2023: Dussehra or Vijaydashmi, is not just an Indian festival but one that symbolises the triumph of good over evil, the essence of how light and truth shall always prevail even in the darkest of the time. Dusshera is celebrated across the country with varied traditions and rituals. It marks the day when Lord Rama emerged victorious and defeated Ravan, the demon king of Lanka. Speaking of rituals and traditions, there are few things which are considered auspicious and lucky when done on Dussehra. One such is sighting the Neelkanth or the Indian Roller.
The Neelkanth bird, also known as the Indian Roller, is considered to be a very auspicious bird in Hinduism. It is believed that spotting a Neelkanth bird on Dussehra, the day that celebrates the victory of good over evil, is a sign of good luck and prosperity. According to different legends, there are different reasons why spotting a Neelkanth bird on Dussehra is considered to be auspicious.
- The Neelkanth bird is associated with Lord Shiva: According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva drank the poison that emerged from the ocean during the Samudra Manthan, or churning of the ocean. This poison turned his throat blue, hence the name Neelkanth, which means “blue throat.”
- The Neelkanth bird is associated with Lord Rama: It is believed that Lord Rama spotted a Neelkanth bird before setting out on his journey to Lanka to kill Ravana. This is seen as a sign that Lord Rama was blessed by Lord Shiva and that he would be victorious in his battle against evil.
- The Neelkanth bird symbolises victory and good luck: The Neelkanth bird is a very colourful and beautiful bird. It is also a very agile and powerful flier. These qualities are seen as symbolic of victory and good luck.
In addition to these mythological and symbolic reasons, spotting a Neelkanth on Dussehra is also considered to be auspicious because it is a relatively rare occurrence. The Neelkanth bird is a migratory bird, and it is not always seen in India during the Dussehra season.
If you are lucky enough to spot a Neelkanth bird on Dussehra, it is said to be a sign of good luck and prosperity. You may want to make a wish or offer prayers when you see this bird on this auspicious day.