Modi government on Tuesday approved a Diwali bonus for Group C and non-gazetted Group B rank officials, including paramilitary forces, with a maximum limit of Rs 7,000.

Diwali Bonus: The Modi government on Tuesday approved a Diwali bonus for Group C and non-gazetted Group B rank officials, including paramilitary forces, with a maximum limit of Rs 7,000.
The Finance Ministry on Tuesday fixed the ceiling for computing non-productivity linked bonus (ad hoc bonus) for central government employees at Rs 7,000 for 2022-23.
Earlier today, in an office memorandum, the Department of Expenditure under the Finance Ministry said non-productivity linked bonus (ad hoc bonus) equivalent to 30 days emoluments for the accounting year 2022-23 has been granted to the central government employees in Group ‘C’ and all non-gazetted employees in Group B’, who are not covered by any productivity-linked bonus scheme.
The ceiling for payment of ad hoc bonus under these orders will be monthly emoluments of Rs 7,000, it said. The payment of ad hoc bonus will also be admissible to the eligible employees of Central Para Military Forces and Armed Forces.